Surgical Procedures
Thoracic Surgeons at WOHS offer a less invasive surgical approach called a video-assisted lobectomy for select patients as treatment of lung cancer. At Osler, 90% of lung resections are performed using this approach...
The Nuss procedure is a minimally invasive approach to treat Pectus Excavatum (sunken chest). Using a telescope, a stainless steel bar is gently placed under the sternum, elevating it to flatter position...
Frequently referred to as ETS, this procedure can dramatically improve the quality of life of patients suffering from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting...
Osler surgeons have a vast experience in the management of large hiatus hernia, performing over 100 of these procedures per year. Using keyhole surgery, a herniated stomach can be reduced back into its native position with minimal risk...